Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best 24 Hours EVER!!!

Ok, so clearly karma works in the strangest of way for me these days. Yesterday I was wallowing in self pity, wondering when things would turn around for me regarding work, and running was just so so. I've had great improvements in both areas that I have to share!!!

Ok, so first of all, I did go out and have a long, slow run that was overdue from Sunday. I was scheduled to do 10km, and was a bit nervous because I haven't done that distance in ages. Pretty much since my first and only official race, which was the May Race Weekend in Ottawa Ontario, back in 2009. I had been training for the run mostly on a treadmill over the winter, and in the month before the race, it was cool and wet out on the roads. Well, the day of the race, the temperature skyrocketed, and I wasn't prepared. At about 7k, I crashed hardcore, I couldn't convince myself to keep moving. I finished with a time of 1:07:45, but felt I could have done much better.

So Yesterday, I decide to go out for my run at 2pm. Normally I would never consider running at this time, but I didn't think it would be that bad temperature-wise. WRONG! It was at least 25 degrees, and humid. I immediately regretted my decision to go outside, but dedicated myself to do it anyways, just slower than usual. I went at it, and actually fared pretty well. I stopped a certain number of scheduled periods, and even had one additional stop to fill up my water bottle at a local park. So it was surprising to me when I got home and found that my warm up, run and cool down took a total of 1:15! That was amazing to me, it meant I totally beat my race time, and might have accidentally done my slow long 10k in one hour! :D

As for the work progress, I was partially depressed because of the number of places I had contacted looking for positions and getting negative answers. I had one glimmer of hope from a firm that was hiring, but wasn't sure if they wanted a "first year call" IE a new lawyer. So I continued to be persistent, reminding them I was around, and I was shocked to get a call back with terms for employment and an interview this afternoon! The interview went really well - I actually had more questions for them than they had for me. This is mostly because it would be a commission based job, which is a bit scary because there is no set income month to month. That being said, I would be taking on my own files (also scary!) working decent hours, in a small firm with great people, and I would be gaining some great experience. I think I stand a chance, now I just have to wait and see if it is offered to me. There will definitely be some challenges, but I have to be up for them. I hope that they would help me avoid any lawsuits and help me really learn along the way. So fingers crossed that I might not be unemployed anymore!!!!


  1. The job prospect sounds promising! Way to be persistant!
    Nice job on the run. Keep pressing...the body will adapt and surprise you with a higher level of performance.

  2. Hi! Just found your blog from Teamarcia, thought I'd say hello. Great job with the speedy training run and best of luck with the job searching, hopefully you get positive news soon. =)
