Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wdnesday

Since I am still feeling a bit off with the craziness of life right now, and to be honest, since I haven't ran at all this week (contemplating a run today if my toes allow it) I figured what better way to amuse you all than to give you all the photos I have promised over the past couple of posts. Without further adieu, here you go:

Army Race Shirt

Army Half Marathon Medal
My wedding cake, after we defrosted it on our first anniversary. The icing was awful, cake was ok, but we still ended up throwing it out..... :(

Finally, my toes. Four of them are some shade of purple, but the only one that is really causing me grief is the big toe on the left, which seems to have received the most damage. Suggestions on how to help them heal?
Hopefully I will be able to get my butt outside in the next couple of days, even if it is just for 5k. I need to get moving if I want to do my virtual 10K on October 10th! I would like to aim for a new PR for this, my second 10K race ever, so sub 1:07:45. I think I can, I think I can!
Thanks for all your comments. Mom is waiting for surgery, doing ok for now. I start my new job on Monday - eek! Lots of things happening, will update you all soon!


  1. Glad to see you back on; thanks for sharing the pics! I don't have any tips on toenail healing...but make sure to pass some on to me. I may need them next week after my first half. =-P You are doing the virtual 10k too? It will be my first 10k, so we'll see how we do. I would like to try for under 1:15. Look forward to seeing you beat your PR!!

  2. Very cool shirt and medal!
    Ouchie on the toes--I wish I knew how to help them heal, I've got 2 of them myself.
    Yay for the Virtual race!

  3. Ouch! Mine aren't purple, but are super brittle right now.
